The purpose of this organization is to promote Christian living and service in St. Anthony parish, foster the spiritual development of the women of the parish and to provide opportunities for friendship and community spirit through social, cultural, and educational programs and events.
Responsibilities include caring for the altar, altar linens and priest's vestments; making or purchasing various religious articles needed and/or requested by the priest (e.g. linens, stoles, pall, vestments, etc.); furnishing flowers for the altar on Marian feast days; furnishing flowers for the graves of deceased priests; providing receptions for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation; coordinating, cooking, and hosting the annual Spaghetti Dinner; reciting a Rosary for each member of the Altar Society upon the person's death; conducting ongoing and annual Clerical Endowment Fund drive; contributing to the annual bazaar; and assisting various ministries within the Parish.
All women of the Parish are invited to join. The Altar Society meets monthly on the 1st Tuesday of the month of 7 pm; annual dues are $5 per year.