The Pastoral Council met on April 15, 2010 at 6 pm. Those attending were: Sabrina Saladino, Fr. Patrick Ebner, Marian Hendrick, Dennis Macha, Marilyn Bowen, Mark Riley, and Judy Comeaux. Martin Zimmerman and Cecil Duke were absent.
The meeting discussion opened with new member discernment for the council. Members of the Pastoral Council rotate off of the council every three years according to the council by-laws. Sabrina, Mark, Marilyn, and Cecil will be the members rotating off the council this summer. It was decided that a discernment process will be conducted in August. The date has not been decided yet. Fr. Patrick will make the arrangements for the discernment and further information will be provided in the bulletin.
Discussion turned to a possible third fund raiser for St. Anthony, a Vegas Night/Poker Tournament. Pastoral council members brought forward information regarding these “types” of fundraisers. The council decided to investigate further because there are concerns with the operations of these events. This by no means indicates we will even do a third fundraiser.
Seven Steps to Financial Freedom, a Catholic based financial workshop will be presented to St. Anthony parishioners during 2010. Currently the Stewardship Committee and Fr. Patrick are reading the book and becoming familiar with the program. Watch the bulletin for dates on this program.
The council was reminded of the upcoming bazaar, which is June 13th. Wine ‘n Dine is back. Fr. Patrick sent out a survey to previous buyers to gather ideas for the auction. Everyone is encouraged to get involved with the Bazaar/Picnic by helping on Saturday, donating items, and returning on Sunday to make the bazaar a continued success.
Other items discussed: The brochure display outside the main church by the bathrooms is stocked with interesting pamphlets on catholic teachings. The mass for the farmers, St. Isidore, is May 14th. Fr. Patrick asked that we be cognizant about visitors to our church. He said that Carl and Lorraine Roeslers are visiting people who have recently joined the church and have received good feedback from the new members. Dennis updated the council on the Catholic radio site. As of the meeting, electricity, cable, and phone were the only things needed to begin broadcasting. The radio website is on our church website. Check it out. Next Pastoral council meeting will be 5/13/10.