St. Anthony Pastoral Council meeting minutes of February 12, 2009
Attending: Fr. Patrick Ebner, Marylin Bowen, Judy Comeaux, Cecil Duke, Mark Riley (Chairperson), Sabrina Saladino (Vice Chairperson), and Martin Zimmermann (Recorder).
Mark opened the meeting with a prayer.
Altar Society Update
Kathy Court gave the Council an update about the Altar Society. The society has 157 members and 15 honorary members. All members of society are members of the National Council of Catholic Women. Kathy has been a member of the Altar Society since 1998 and has been the president since 2005. The society meets on the first Tuesday of each month except in July and August. The society’s main goals are to take care of the altar, the priest’s needs, rectory, etc. They are responsible for buying the linens, altar breads, oil for the candles, vestments, and to re-brass the candles. The majority of the funds for the Altar Society come from the annual spaghetti dinner and these funds go back to the church. The Altar Society only treats itself to a Christmas dinner and the fashion shop. They sponsor the first communion and confirmation receptions and take care of the needs of other receptions. The society also sponsors funding the Thanksgiving baskets and is responsible for the clerical endowment. The interest from the clerical endowment is given to the Bishop to be used for seminarians; it usually pays for three seminarians a year.
2009 Spaghetti Dinner Preliminary Stats
·served 2,991 plates;
·800 lbs. of pasta;
·600 gallons of sauce;
·7,000 meatballs; and
·used 112 lbs. of flour to produce 187 bags of ring cookies.
Dean Visitation of St. Anthony’s Parish (2/17 @ 2pm)
Canon law requires the Dean, Fr. Michael O’Connor, to make sure the sacramental records are being recorded. Mark Riley had to complete a survey regarding the Pastoral Council. The Dean interview Fr. Patrick and will make sure we are following the Ethics & Integrity Program. All the information is gathered and given to the Bishop.
Recruitment of new members
Cecil mentioned the need to recruit new members and suggested Fr. Patrick set rules about how to greet new people, etc. Cecil feels we should create a plan and make it a habit to bring people into the church. The question is what is the “hook” to catch new members? Martin is going to do some research into what other parishes are doing to welcome new members. Judy feels if we all continue the uplifting spirit that becomes contagious and new members catch it and stay. The topic will be discussed more during the next meeting.
Cares/Concerns in Parish:
·The potluck is on February 22 from 11a.m.-2p.m. in the Center.
·The RE program is in desperate need of catechists.
·Center Renovation – Fr. Patrick advised that the Building Committee had formed subcommittees to figure out what stays and what is being thrown away, to sell stuff that can be sold including appliances, and to select new appliances and a sound system. Responding to rumors in the parish Fr. Patrick emphasized that there would be no $15,000 chandeliers installed as part of the renovation.
·Shelli Peevey was hired as the part-time youth minister.
·Fr. Patrick will get more lighters for the candles on the left of the altar.
·There will be a day retreat with Marcel LeJeune on the Saturday before Divine Mercy Sunday (April 18) with two sessions: spirituality and applying spirituality in our daily lives. It will be a whole day of prayer with Q&A at the end.
·Vocation Chalice – Fr. Patrick will make announcements during Mass and in the bulletin to help get more people to sign up.
·Adoration – not all slots have been filled yet.
·Parish Directory – 220 families turn out for the directory pictures. Fr. Patrick and Julie & John Crawford are working on the directory layout.
·Advertise the pastoral council email in the bulletin so members will be aware of the opportunity to express ideas or concerns.
Suggestions for future agenda:
·New membership recruitment;
·Diocese’s 5-year Pastoral Plan and long-term goals for the parish; and
·Pastoral guidance for musicians.
Next meeting: March 12, 2009 at 6p.m.
Opening prayer: Judy
Food: Marilyn
Drinks: Cecil
Fr. Patrick closed the meeting with a prayer at 7:56p.m.