Bylaws of the Pastoral Council St. Anthony Parish, Bryan, TX (Revised and approved on September 10, 2015)
Mission Statement
We, the Catholic community of St. Anthony, respecting our rich tradition and building upon our strong family ties, commit ourselves to love God and our neighbors as ourselves by:
Celebrating God's presence in our lives through the liturgy and the sacraments
Emphasizing Catholic education to enhance our faith and strengthen our ability to share it
Witnessing Gospel values by service to all
Growing in faith and holiness through personal and communal prayer
Living as stewards renewed in Christ until we are fully united in the Body of Christ with God.
OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES Purpose and Role of the Council
The Pastoral Council is a distinct group because of its representative nature, consultative role, and consensus-seeking process. It attempts to be the "eyes and ears" of the Parish. It is consultative to the Pastor. It is also a representative body of the faithful focusing on the whole community. The Council provides a means for uniting the parish community in expressing its collective wisdom concerning pastoral plans and activities. The Pastoral Council's task is to give counsel and seek consultation. Its role is to understand, to reflect carefully and prayerfully and to seek consensus, regarding matters of the Parish. All Council recommendations and
decisions will be developed by consensus; however, under certain circumstances, the Pastor and the Council may choose to attain a majority through voting to decide on a policy or a course of action.
Role of the Pastor
The Pastor, as the chief governing person and accountable to the Bishop, must preside at the Pastoral Council meetings and participate in its activities. The Pastor can delegate the function of presiding to the Chairperson. The Church (diocesan and universal) and the Pastoral Council call the Pastor to consultation. The Pastor will weigh in seriously and respond appropriately to the collective wisdom or consensus of the Pastoral Council. He will make every effort to insure that the membership of the council is truly representative of the whole parish community. The Pastor will assist in the proper formation, training and orientation of all council members. He will also assist in the preparation of the agenda.
The Pastor will consider carefully the decisions of the council and provide proper explanation to the council when acting contrary to its recommendations. However, in matters that violate church teachings or discipline, or in matters contrary to diocesan policy, the Pastor, after appropriate explanation to the council, will withhold acceptance.
In the absence of the pastor, the Pastoral Council can discuss matters, but cannot make final decisions. When the Pastor leaves the parish through transfer, retirement or death, all formal activity of the Pastoral Council ceases until the new pastor or assigned administrator reconvenes the council.
Membership on the Council is open to all registered, active Catholic members (18 years or older) of the Saint Anthony parish community who are in good standing with the Catholic Church, and who are willing to commit their time and talent to this ministry.
The Council shall consist of 10 elected members maximum. The Pastor reserves the right to appoint members to the Pastoral Council. The appointed members may not exceed 1/3 of the discerned council membership.
Ex-Officio Members: The Pastor will be the ex-officio member of the Council. The Finance Council Chairperson will be the ex-officio member with the voting right.
Terms of Office
Members elected or appointed will serve for a five-year term. They can be re-elected after a break of five years.
Selection Process:
In the month of March the selection process will start. The existing members will give suggestions on new members which will be followed by a confidential discussion at the meeting. From the prepared priority list of possible candidates, contacts will be made about their willingness to be a candidate for election. A final list of three male candidates and three female candidates will be prepared. Their brief resume will be published in the parish bulletin on the first two weekends of June. The parishioners will get the chance to vote for one male candidate and one female candidate on the third and fourth weekend of June. The male candidate who gets
the highest vote and the female candidate getting the highest vote will be announced as new members. The candidate getting the second highest vote will be considered as the first alternate and the one getting the next highest vote will be considered second alternate in case of a vacancy occurring within the period before the next election. The alternate who will get the chance to serve in council will do that until the term of expiry of the person whose vacancy is being filled.
Removal of Council Members:
Council members who fail to uphold their responsibilities as pastoral council members may be asked to resign or be terminated from the Council by the Pastor in consultation with the Pastoral Council.
Council Leadership:
The Council leadership shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary, chosen by consensus of the Pastoral Council.
Selection of the Officers:
The officers shall be chosen from the members of the council by annual election to be held at the July meeting of the Council. In order to be eligible to hold an office, a Council member must have served on the Council at least one year prior to assuming office. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Pastor.
Terms: The term of office for each Officer is one year. That person can be re-elected.
Removal: The Pastor may remove an Officer if he determines that the removal is in the best interest of the Council, Parish, or the Diocese.
The duties of the Chairperson are:
Coordinate and facilitate the work of the Council in consultation with the Pastor.
Prepare and post the agenda and any supporting papers one week prior to Council meetings.
Take the lead in conducting and moderating the meetings.
The duties of the Vice-Chairperson:
Lead the meetings in absence of the Chairperson.
Assist chairperson in his/her duties.
The duties of the Secretary:
The Secretary shall take and record minutes of all meetings of the council, submitting them to the Chair, (after getting approved by the Pastor) for circulation to the members not later than one week prior to the following meeting. The Secretary shall maintain the official records of the Pastoral Council. The Secretary shall ensure that notices of Council meetings, agendas, minutes and reports are posted, published, and/or available electronically to the parish community.
Meeting Schedule:
Meetings will be held at least five times in a year and may meet more frequently as recommended by the Pastor or upon simple majority vote of the Council members.
Meeting Dates:
The Chairperson, in consultation with the Pastor, shall set the dates of the meetings.
Specific Location and the Time of the Meetings:
The Chairperson, in consultation with the Pastor, shall set the location and time of each Council Meeting.
A quorum means a majority of all members of the Council. Even though the Council’s function is only consultative, a quorum must be present for consultation to be considered completed. If the quorum is not present at a meeting, another meeting can be convened, and that meeting can do the business even if it doesn’t have a quorum.
Executive Session:
All meetings of the Council are open to members of the Parish except the designated Executive Sessions. When the members of the Parish are present, the Chairperson shall provide for their recognition and the opportunity to address the Council. The content of the proposed presentation should be given in writing to the Chairperson at least one day before the meeting and get it approved. The Chairperson may consult with the Pastor before approval if it is found appropriate. However, active participation in the Council meetings and in the consultative and consensus building functions of the Council are reserved to Council members. Executive Sessions shall be restricted to discussions involving legal, financial, personnel or other matters that may significantly affect the good of the parish. The Executive Sessions will be confidential and no minutes shall be taken.
Notice of the Meeting: The notice of a Council Meeting shall be given to all Council Members in writing or e-mail or phone call no less than one week in advance of the meeting. The agenda of the meeting should be included in the notice.
Emergency Meetings: Emergency Meetings may be called without the notice requirements, by the Chairperson, in consultation with the Pastor.
Confidentiality: The Council shall adopt a policy of confidentiality related to its discussions and deliberations. The Council acts as in an atmosphere of openness and transparency, but it also recognizes that, in certain situations and matters, confidentiality is appropriate and expected.
The effectiveness of the Council will be enhanced by the development of commissions. Additional participation of parishioners in parish administration may be increased by having parishioners as members of commissions.
St. Anthony Parish Council may have the following Commissions:
1) Evangelization & Spiritual Development Commission:
Areas of Concern: Liturgy, Parish Missions, spreading of the Gospel, R.C.I.A Program, reaching out to non-Catholics and alienated Catholics etc.
2) Social Action Commission:
Areas of Concern: Community Activities, social action, cooperation – deanery, inter-parochial, diocesan, Charity Drives, Emergency Assistances etc. This Commission may act as a link between the local Catholic Charities Office.
3) Education & Youth Commission:
Areas of Concerns: All formal educational efforts of the parish – Adult Faith Formation, R.E. Programs in elementary, middle school & High School levels, Youth Programs, active involvement of youth/young adults in parish life and leadership etc.
4) Family Life Commission:
Areas of Concern: Wedding Preparation Courses, recreational programs, Wedding Jubilee Celebrations, family renewal programs, family counseling, activities that help to support and strengthen marriages, emergency pregnancy services, programs for the divorced, single parents etc.
5) Grounds and Facilities Commission:
Areas of Concern: Evaluating, recommending, and undertaking regular maintenance programs and upkeep of the parish properties, facilities, etc.
6) Stewardship Commission:
Areas of Concern: Giving of time, talent and treasure in support of the parish, diocese and universal church. Planning and execution of age appropriate programs that will enhance parish life. Planning and coordinating fund-raisers, including diocesan C.S.A. Program. Suggestions to make the parish more active and for the stronger family spirit in the parish.
A Commission shall have and exercise the authority granted to it by the Pastor.
Membership in Commissions: Each commission shall consist of at least two members of the Council. Additional commission members must voluntarily serve without pay, must agree to comply with the bylaws of the council as if they were Council members, and shall be selected by the Commission Members and approved by the Pastor. The Pastor may remove a commission member if he determines that the removal is in the best interest of the parish or the Council.
Commission Action: Recommendations of a commission shall be made by consensus.
Commission Chairs: Each commission shall have a Chairperson, who must be a member of the Council, and is approved by the Pastor.
Commission Rules: Each commission may adopt rules for its own governance in consistent with the bylaws or with other rules adopted by the Council.
Honorary Membership: If Pastor wishes so, he can appoint any of the deacons serving in the parish, as honorary member of any commission.
The Pastor is an ex-officio member of all commissions.
Reports: Each commission shall regularly report to the Council by filing a written report and the
Chair of the commission may present it at the time of the Council Meetings.
Spiritual Development: Each council member must take time to develop spiritually so as to be keenly aware of the Spirit’s presence and functioning within the council and the Parish Community. As a whole the Council shall encourage spiritual development of the council as a group and as individuals.
Interaction to the Finance Council: The Council shall interact closely with the Parish Finance Council to assure the Pastor and the parishioners that finances are available to support the council’s goals and objectives. The Chairperson of the Council will act as the liaison to the Finance Council. The liaison shall attend and observe the meetings of the Finance Council and report back to the council. So also, the Finance Council Chairperson will be an ex-officio member of the Pastoral Council with the right to vote.
Parishioner Involvement:
Parishioners are encouraged to express their interest and opinions to any member of the Council. Parishioners may request to make a presentation to the Council to express any interest or opinions, subject to prior approval of the Pastor and the Council.
Council Decision Making:
All deliberations and decision making by the Council will be conducted and attended by the Council and Pastor only.
Amendments to the Pastoral Council Guidelines:
These bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed, at any time, by the Pastor, who shall first seek consultation with the council before altering, amending, or repealing these bylaws.
Vacancy of the Pastor: If the Pastor leaves the Parish because of a transfer, or death, all activities of the Council shall cease until a new, duly-appointed Pastor or Administrator takes charge of the Parish. Under diocesan policies, the new Pastor should first seek counsel from existing council and should be reluctant to dissolve the council, but after careful deliberation may do so.
The Pastoral Council and all its Commissions are units of service and not of authority.