Whenever a young man feels called to the priesthood or a young woman to consecrated religious life, it is appropriate for them to contact their pastor. His guidance will be extremely beneficial to them. Please visit the Diocese of Austin Office of Vocations Web site by clicking on the link below.
Fishers of Men
Fishers of Men (2006) offers an inside look at the Catholic Priesthood.
Developed by the United States Conference of Bishops' Committee on Vocations, it is a film intended to renew priests' sense of fulfillment in their vocation and to encourage them to draw on that satisfaction to invite other men to pursue the priesthood. But it has a much broader and global affect all Catholics of all ages. Produced by Grassroots Films of Brooklyn, NY, Fishers of Men is a fast-paced, emotionally-charged video that reveals the many facets of a priest's daily life, and demonstrates why only real men can become priests.