Attendees: Mark Riley, Fr. Patrick Ebner, Marian Hendrick, Cecil Duke, Judy Comeaux, JJ Ruffino, Sabrina Saladino
Opening Prayer: Cecil
Food: Marian
Drink: Mark
Bazaar Update: J.J. Ruffino – The Bazaar committee is using the same model of organizing the bazaar for the past 5 – 7 years. Basically, we have people come together in January to coordinate & plan the bazaar. We are a bit short in the cattle for the auction; the Kiddie land needs more funds to help with games and prizes; there is a need for help with parking; food always needs help on Saturday and Sunday. Status of the Wine & Dine is that the wine is taken care of but we need more gift cards to complete it. JJ says so far everything is on schedule and everything will come together on June 14th. As always the bazaar can always use more volunteers to help with setup on Saturday and take down and any other area. Just come out and lend a hand. Also the bazaar committee can always use more money for underwriting the bazaar, auction items, raffle.
Pastoral/5 year plan—2 parishioners/update: Buddy Beauvais, Becky Rosenkranz, and Richard Head are the individuals who will represent St. Anthony for the Diocesan 5 year Pastoral Plan.
Parker Street: Parker street will not be closed with the street renovations planned by the City of Bryan. Once the economy improves, the city may come and rework Parker Street. JJ suggested that the city come and at least put some black top on Parker to cover the cracks so someone won’t fall when crossing the street.
Cares/Concerns in Parish: Repair on the lightning strike – the insurance assessor came out and check the strike damage. The lightning hit the second pillar back on the Ambo side of the church knocking out the AC and two or more channels on the sound system. AC is fully functional again. The sound system has been adjusted as well. There is also a leak in the rectory that was caused by the same storm. Fr. Patrick has removed the carpet on the staircase in the rectory and plans to leave the terrazzo tile that was underneath the carpet. Repairs on the rectory sky lights will be done to correct the damage from the storm.
Fr. Patrick noted that the carpet on the steps in front of the church has been replaced. This should reduce the risk of falls while entering or leaving the church.
The Pastoral council will take a break for June and July. We will meet again in August.
After adjourning the meeting, the Pastoral Council went over to the Center to see the progress of the renovation. The ceiling tiles have been removed opening up the feel of the entire center. The asbestos removal will begin soon.
Suggestions for future agenda: Elect vice chairperson and recorder from existing members for the 2009-2010 year; update of bazaar results, update on center renovations are potential agenda items.