The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children is the process through which children over the age of 7 become fully initiated into the Catholic Faith.
This process is a liturgical process, NOT an educational process. Therefore, the length of time a child is in this process is not determined by the calendar, but by the Holy Spirit. Some children will take a single calendar year to complete the process, others may take longer. Since this is a faith journey, there are no "tests" to pass before moving on to the next stage. It is with the leadership of the RCIA team and the guidance of the Holy Spirit that determines the child's readiness to receive the sacraments of initiation, Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist at the Easter Vigil Mass.
This is a family commitment to bring the child with a parent or sponsor to each session. Because parents are the first educators of their children in the faith, parents should be well formed in their faith, too. Through the sessions, you, parents and sponsors, will be forming your own faith as you journey with your child in his or her faith walk. The experience is so very rewarding and beneficial to everyone, we want this to be a process you remember with great joy. We break bread to gether then the kids attend their class while the adults attend the Adult RCIA class.
If you and your child are in any of the above mentioned groups, please contact Lisa at [email protected] or 823-8145. We are currently forming our RCIA adapted for Children class now.